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Virginia Woman Contracts Flesh-Eating Bacteria At Beach After 10 Minutes In Water


A quick dip in the water of Ocean View Beach has proved to be quite the bad decision for a woman named Amanda Edwards from Virginia, who subsequently had to deal with a significant outbreak of flesh-eating bacteria.

The woman reportedly did not stay in the water for long, but it was enough to attract the attention of parasites who immediately infected her leg.

She described feeling as if her leg was going to fall off at any time, and was terrified by the incident.

However, she managed to make a successful recovery with the help of physicians and is now looking back on the incident with a more humorous tone.

Official reports indicate that there is nothing funny about her situation, though, as the woman was reportedly close to dying from the dangerous infection.

According to her own account, she initially dismissed the infection and did not believe it was a cause for concern.

However, the spot continued to grow in size, prompting the woman to seek medical assistance.

It was then that she learned the full extent of the danger she had been in.

Edwards stated: “I was just like, ‘Oh my goodness, my leg is going to fall off. That’s the only thing I could keep thinking. It spread really quickly. The way that it was spreading, it was going up my leg.”

She continued with: “I was like, ‘It`s really hot; let`s go outside.’ So we went outside to the beach. I was only in the water for maybe like 10 minutes. I ignored it for a couple of days, and it just started getting bigger and bigger and bigger, to the point where I couldn`t walk anymore.”

The woman concluded: “Please check the news and make sure there is not, like, an advisory out, because there were no signs out there. Every time I get in the water, I`m going to think about where I had that bad experience.”

Reports indicate that it would not have taken too long for the infection to become fatal in its stage.

It is not clear if her infection is an isolated incident or if people should be wary when swimming in the area.

Authorities are reportedly looking into the situation to figure out possible hints about the full extent of the danger involved.

In the meantime, they have urged anyone swimming in the area to proceed with extreme caution.

Online Dating May Have Brought More STDs To Hawaii


Recent reports from Hawaii indicate that the state is suffering from a sudden rise in the cases of sexually transmitted diseases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

And the main suspected culprit right now is online dating, according to official sources. There is no real data to confirm the theory. However, it is an angle being considered seriously by health officials.

They believe that more people living on the archipelago have been connecting rapidly through online dating services and having sex without thinking of the consequences.

Gerald Hasty, program coordinator for the state harm reduction branch, explained: “As people rely on digital means of making connections, it can lead to circumstances where they might be more exposed to infection without them knowing it. More partners, more chances to get infections.”

The three diseases are at or near their highest rates in about 30 years in frequency across the state, and in some specific areas, the problem has reached alarming proportions.

In 2008, the state confirmed 5,972 cases chlamydia; in 2018, there were 7,732 cases recorded. Gonorrhea went from 611 to 1,496 cases. Ten years ago, there were 38 cases of Syphilis infections — in 2018, there were 180 cases.

According to studies, the increases in STDs are also due to many people who have been refraining from using protection and contraceptive measures in intercourse lately, which is likely the main contributing factor to the situation.

Hasty said the infections are spreading for the following additional reasons: “Lack of regular screenings or routine screenings contributes to increasing rates.”

Can anything be done? The question is still on the table, and no clear answer appears to be in sight yet.

There have been some proposals brought forward, but it looks like the state is going to have to deal with the problem more reasonably to avoid impacting the social structure.

Some have even proposed that online dating could be regulated more tightly, but the idea has generally been thrown out as absurd. At least for now — some are worried that this might not be the case in the future.

However, it does not seem like there are any moves in this direction so far, at least not from the legislative side. Whether that could change in the future is hard to predict.

Numbers are also on the rise in places like Kern County in California, which saw 27 and 28 percent increases in chlamydia and gonorrhea since 2010.

Fortnite’s Season Ends With A Bang — And With A Very Confused Community


Fortnite is a bit of a divisive game among gamers — most either love it or hate it — but it is hard to deny that Epic Games know how to keep their audience entertained. A special event marked the end of Fortnite season 10.

And while most players expected something grand, nobody was prepared for what actually happened — a massive black hole appeared, sucking in the entire game world, players included. After that, everything went black — literally.

The game’s servers went offline, (and are still down at the time of this article), and its various social media accounts had their pictures replaced with just pure black — or a small image of the black hole, in some cases.

The most popular theory among fans right now is that the next season is going to be a major “reset” of the game.

Speculations about a completely new map have been thrown around multiple times, and many players are convinced that Epic is planning something… well, epic, for the next major installment in the game.

One thing is sure, though — the message “this is the end” was not meant to be taken literally, at least not with regards to the game itself.

However, it is, perhaps, the end of Fortnite as fans know it — it is hard to tell what the new season will bring to the table, but at this point, it looks like it is going to be something very significant.

Millions of gamers took to Fortnite’s official page on social media to lash out and demand answers.

“Fortnite is going to close. The servers ain’t responding doe. Minecraft still better goodbye,” wrote a person who is visibly frustrated by the event.

However, not all players were upset, and some asked that others have a little patience and wait for what to come.

Another person who agreed with the commenter above shared this message of peace: “What’s going on? All this hate that Epic is receiving from you guys are just incredible after all the effort they put into these last few seasons especially this one in amazing all the hater out there are probably still playing right now so whoever likes it like this comment just remember all the good memories we had and how many lives they changed to think about that❤️Epic games, I would like to say thank you for this experience.”

One thing is clear, this new chapter in the game will have people talking.

Johnson & Johnson Ordered To Pay Punitive Damages Over Risperdal Drug Side Effect


An antipsychotic drug manufactured by Johnson & Johnson had a significant side effect that was swept under the rug, leaving Nicholas Murray, 26, with a pair of woman-like breasts.

The man has been fighting the corporation in court for quite some time now, and Johnson & Johnson have now been ordered by a Philadelphia jury to pay $8 billion in punitive damages as a result of their faulty product.

Murray was previously awarded almost $700,000 in his case against the company, and it looks like the courts took his situation seriously enough and found enough evidence to continue pursuing the major manufacturer.

The drug in question –- Risperdal (Risperidone) — reportedly gave the man a pair of breasts after he started taking it over a decade ago, having been prescribed the medication by doctors after being diagnosed by a psychologist when he was a child.

Court documents revealed that Murray was just around ten years old when he first started taking the drug after being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Attorneys representing the victim have accused the company of acting in deliberate malice in court. Johnson & Johnson say that could not be proven directly.

However, Murray’s lawyers, Tom Kline and Jason Itkin, did manage to convince the court that the company was acting irresponsibly and was not considering the well-being of children potentially affected by its products.

The attorneys applauded the verdict in the following statement: “The conduct that the jury saw in the courtroom was clear and convincing that J&J disregarded the safety of the most vulnerable of children. This is an important moment, not only for this litigation but for J&J, which is a company that has lost its way.”

In a press release, Johnson & Johnson denied the accusations that they have been manipulating children and misrepresenting the true nature of their products for profit.

However, J&J did not address the claims that they failed to warn men taking Risperdal of the risk of gynecomastia, the development of enlarged breasts in males.

The company said: “…grossly disproportionate with the initial compensatory award in this case, and the company is confident it will be overturned.”

The statement went on to say: “The jury did not hear evidence as to how the label for RISPERDAL® clearly and appropriately outlined the risks associated with the medicine or the benefits RISPERDAL® provides to patients with serious mental illness.”

Law experts predict that the amount of money will be lowered after the company appeals the case.

There has been a significant outrage over the situation, with many people explaining how they felt misled by the behavior of the corporation and its overall attitude towards the scandal.

Dad Throws Son In The Ocean To Teach Him To Swim While Doing Backflips: Cops


A Florida man, John Bloodsworth, has been arrested for throwing his 5-year-old boy into the Atlantic Ocean, allegedly in an attempt to force the child to learn to swim.

The 37-year-old Daytona Beach man then proceeded to do backflips off the pier nearby, while his boy was struggling not to drown. The incident happened at night.

Former Georgia State Trooper Mitch Brown, who witnessed the whole thing, explained: “I said, ‘I can’t take this no more.’ So I went down to the pier, down to the shore and confronted him myself. I said, ‘You’re coming with me, one way or another.”

Brown added: “The little kid was out here by himself. Completely by himself. There was nobody around him, no adults.”

Responding officers arrested Bloodsworth on the spot, noting that he was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

Bloodsworth allegedly claimed that he was “going to jail for being awesome,” although that has not been confirmed by any official reports.

No lifeguards were reportedly present at the scene, and there was a significant risk of dangerous currents in the area.

Swimming in that particular zone was prohibited at the time, further adding to the risky nature of what the man had done.

And while the dad claims that he was not endangering the boy in any way by just teaching him to swim, authorities noted that the boy himself was in an apparent state of distress upon being rescued, crying and shaking.

Mr. Brown stated: “The kid was already very visibly upset and crying, and he didn’t want to be there”

Bloodsworth has been charged with aggravated child abuse, as well as disorderly intoxication on top of swimming too close to the pier. After the arrest, Bloodsworth was released on a $1,500 bail.

It is not known what kind of a sentence he is currently facing, and many have voiced their concerns about the young boy.

The exact family situation has not been revealed to the public, but observers are hopeful, the young child will have someone to take proper care of him if the father has to go to prison over the incident. Which, at this point, is looking very likely.

Authorities gave the boy to his mother after the arrest. Some say that in the old days children used to learn to swim that way and the dad probably meant no harm.